Briefing ======== * * Full briefing * {:A0} {§1}Mission Briefing:{§0}@ {#1} @With the heaters off it was easy locating the nest. I just wish it was going to be that easy to get out of this place. I don't know what I was expecting, but that incubation tube is unreal.@ {#0} @@{§1}Victory Conditions:{§0}@@*JP {#1} @You must reach the red exit area in the west.@ {#0} @@{§1}Defeat Conditions:{§0}@@*JP {#1} @Sergeant Bratt is killed during the mission.{*} {#0} * * Short briefing (only the victory and defeat conditions) * {:B0} {§1}Victory:{§0}@ {§1}Reach the the red exit area in the west.{§0}@ ...@ {§1}Defeat:{§0}@ {§1}Sergeant Bratt is killed.{§0}@ ...{*} * * Tips * {:C0} {§1}Tips:{§0}@ {#1} @ - Move quickly to the wooden platforms, the green floor has a poison that weakens your units.@ @ - With bigger weapons you should be able to take out at least one of the incubation tubes by Nor'Cyn, the gigantic spider in the wall.@ {#0} {*} * * Briefingprogram 10-40 * PIC {:00}None| X {:01}390| Y {:02}100| DESC1 {:03}| * * Tipprogram 50-90 * PIC {:50}None| X {:51}390| Y {:52}100| DESC1 {:53}|